10 Feng Shui Decorative Items to Enhance Your Career Fortune

Wen Chang Tower

In pursuing a successful career, individuals often face fierce competition and rely not only on their skills but also on a bit of luck. Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese practice, plays a significant role in balancing energies and promoting positive outcomes in various aspects of life, including career and finances. This blog will explore some Feng Shui decorative items believed to enhance career fortune and prosperity.

Wen Chang Tower:

Wen Chang Tower, also known as the Tower of Literary Glory, is a popular Feng Shui item for boosting learning, intellectual pursuits, and career success. Placing this tower on your desk or in your study area is believed to sharpen your focus, increase efficiency, and achieve professional recognition.

Remember to avoid placing the tower directly facing bathrooms, sharp objects, or religious symbols, as it might counteract its positive effects.

Dragon Turtle:

The Dragon Turtle, a symbol of auspiciousness and good fortune, is often used to attract mentor luck and support from superiors. When placed on your office desk with its head facing outward, it is thought to enhance your career prospects and promote harmony in the workplace. A similar placement at home can complement its effects.

To maximize its benefits, make sure the Dragon Turtle is not positioned with its back facing the entrance. Additionally, keep it away from direct contact with visitors or strangers.

Auspicious Paintings:

Artwork can have a profound impact on one’s surroundings and mindset. Paintings depicting rising suns and majestic landscapes are believed to invoke positive energy and stimulate career growth. Avoid artwork depicting turbulent waters or small bridges, as they might attract negative influences.

Auspicious Dragon Sculpture:

Dragons hold immense cultural significance in Chinese tradition and are symbols of power and success. Placing a dragon sculpture, like the “Rui Long Cheng Xiang” (Auspicious Dragon), in your wealth sector is thought to bring prosperity and career achievements.

For men, the dragon is also associated with the aspiration to be a high achiever, aligning well with career advancement goals.

Horse Artifacts:

The saying “swift as a horse” reflects the desire for swift success in one’s career. Horse-shaped sculptures and artifacts are considered suitable for enhancing career luck. However, individuals with a fire element deficiency or zodiac clash with the horse should avoid placing these items.

Dragon Seal:

In traditional Chinese culture, emperors used dragon seals as symbols of authority and success. In modern times, these seals are known as “Sheng Guan Yin” or promotion seals. Placing a dragon seal on your office desk or home study area, specifically in the “Green Dragon” direction, is believed to enhance your chances of career progression.

Pi Xiu:

Pi Xiu is a mythical creature known for its ability to attract wealth and protect against negative energy. Its appetite for gold and silver symbolizes wealth accumulation. Placing a Pi Xiu in your office, especially in the accounting department or near financial resources, is thought to boost your financial prospects.

Tian Lu:

Tian Lu, similar in appearance to Pi Xiu, is a twin-horned creature associated with prosperity. Placing Tian Lu on your desk is believed to attract wealth and ward off negative influences, aligning with its guardian role in ancient tomb protection.

Flowing Wealth Pot:

The Flowing Wealth Pot, as the name suggests, symbolizes wealth accumulation. Positioning it with the flow of water directed toward you, rather than out of doors or windows, is believed to invite prosperity into your life.


While these Feng Shui items are thought to enhance career luck and prosperity, it’s important to approach them with an open mind and a sense of respect for the cultural and spiritual aspects they represent. Placing these decorative items iin your workspace or home can create a harmonious environment that supports your career aspirations and promotes positive energy flow.